Make donations to Action for Health Initiative (AHI)

AHI is a non-profit organization that depends on volunteer efforts, donations of cash and other resources of individuals, foundations and other institutions. It relies entirely upon the financial and human resources donations of our sponsors. Contributions come in many forms: time, money, access to resources. We welcome any and all offers of assistance that are in keeping with the spirit of the initiative, that is, open and egalitarian. If you would like to help AHI but are unsure how, you can always make a cash contribution. Money donated to AHI goes directly to the organization and is used for AHI related activities. Our financial records can be available to anyone on request. While offers of financial support are essential to any no-profit organization, volunteers are the life blood of any community based project. If you are able to contribute to the organization financially, of course we are happy to accept, similary, if you are able to give your time to assist in promotion, development, or M&E and advocacy, you are also welcomed gladly. We are thankful to the many committed funders, CSOs, and individuals who have donated their time and money to support us in our quest to improve the living standards of our country. If you too would like to donate, have any questions or require more information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Your donations can make a difference in the life of rural communities. Support AHI to promote women’s rights, eradicate poverty, hunger and diseases in South Sudanese communities. Address your donations to Action for Health Initiative through contacting us.